There are many math functions available to us via C header files:
- sin(angle) for finding the sine of an angle in radians
- cos(angle) for finding the cosine of an angle in radians
- tan(angle) for finding the tangent of an angle in radians
- abs(number) to get the absolute value (modulus) of a number
- floor(number) for rounding a number downwards
- ceil(number) for rounding a number upwards
- pow(base,exponent) for raising a base to the power of exponent
Most of these are available via math.h header file whereas abs() is in the stdlib.h header file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
double x = 1.57;
int y = -3;
printf("The sine of %g is %g\n",x,sin(x));
printf("The cosine of %g is %g\n",x,cos(x));
printf("The tangent of %g is %g\n",x,tan(x));
printf("The absolute value of %d is %d\n",y,abs(y));
printf("The floor/gaussian of %g is %g\n",x,floor(x));
printf("The ceil of %g is %g\n",x,ceil(x));
printf("%g raised to the power of %d is %g\n",x,y,pow(x,y));
math-functions.c Copy