Rediscover the Joy of Learning
Find all of the lessons you want with none of the execution overhead. Yes, this website has RSS.
Play Comes First
Education needs to be more engaging. A child’s time in school and even the working student’s experience in university should be memorable in a positive way. Students need games and demanding activities in order to grow.
Helping Caribbean Students
From secondary school students preparing for CSEC and CAPE, to university students looking to improve their performance in their various courses, we aim to help them all have a rich educational experience.
International Students Too
We won’t leave out anyone. All are welcome to learn and share in the joy of learning. There is much overlap in Caribbean curriculum and international outlines so there will be resources that will help any student to participate in mastery learning.
Performance-first Culture
The only way to make good software is to make it blazingly fast! We leave out features if they aren’t frictionless. We will tweak until satisfied with the end result. If we don’t like using a feature for ourselves, why should we give it to the students?
User-centric Design
Any good Design Thinker knows that the user comes first. Education needs to be delivered with the student in mind - the educators or the administrators are secondary. Join us as we redefine modern education.
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